
HypnoBirthing® is a childbirth education class that helps guide and prepare families to give birth in a calm, peaceful and comfortable environment. HypnoBirthing® takes into account the psychology as well as physical aspects of giving birth and helps guide families by educating, removing fear and providing tools to both the birthing person and birth partner.

When you prepare your birthing body physically, emotionally and spiritually, you can experience birthing your baby in a calmer, easier and sometimes pain free manner. HypnoBirthing® provides families with breathing, relaxation, visualization and meditative practices.

For most of our lives, families are overwhelmed with negative stories of other families’ birth experiences. We are conditioned to believe that childbirth is associated with excruciating pain and because of this families hold an unprecedented fear of giving birth. This state of fear causes tension within which leads to exactly what they feared, a painful birth experience. HypnoBirthing® removes the fear surrounding labour by allowing families to take back control and have a calm gentle birth.

Some benefits of HypnoBirthing® we are proud of:

  • Fewer cases of pre-eclampsia and dehydration

  • Fewer interventions and surgical births

  • Decreased use of oxytocin or AROM

  • Shorter first and second-phase labours

  • Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies

  • Lessened or eliminated need for analgesia

  • Happier and content families and babies

  • Babies who are more alert at birth

  • Lower risk of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

  • Babies with higher than average APGAR scores at birth

HypnoBirthing® classes are taught weekly for 5 weeks. Each session is 2 ½ hours.

The registration fee for group HypnoBirthing® classes is $400 (including HST) per family.

Registration includes your very own copy of the HypnoBirthing® book, our parent handouts and special access to HypnoBirthing® recordings.

Private classes as well as accelerated classes can be accommodated. Please contact us for more information.