Staying Well over the Holiday Season

The Christmas holidays can be a time filled with joy, laughter and good tidings. But for many, the holiday season can be filled with feelings of sadness, loneliness and heightened anxiety. At Fearless Wellness Centre, we want to encourage you to ‘check in’ with your mental health. How are you feeling? Are holiday parties and events beginning to heighten feelings of anxiety and/or stress? Do you have a plan in place for dealing with these feelings? 

Canadian Mental Health Association has created a great list of tips to help protect your mental health this holiday season. Read about it here. 

We encourage you to lean into your wellness tools this holiday season. What is a wellness tool? The Copeland Centre for Wellness and Recovery describes wellness tools as ‘things we do to keep ourselves well, and the things we do to help ourselves feel better when we are not feeling well. Most of them are simple, safe, free and non-invasive.’ These could include things like attending a yoga class, going for a walk with a friend, creating art, or other activities that you enjoy doing. 

Some other tips you may want to consider going into the holiday season; 

Setting boundaries

Perhaps you need to put some boundaries in place to ensure your needs are met. This might include saying ‘no’ to a family gathering that may cause you stress, or creating a budget to prevent undue financial hardship. For more information about setting boundaries, check out Dr. Henry Cloud’s book here. 

Book an appointment with a counsellor

We have 2 wonderful counsellors at Fearless Wellness Centre. Booking an appointment before the holidays, or following the holidays can help you feel more in control and offer a sense of relief that you have a plan in place. To book an appointment for counselling, please click here

Enjoy some time for YOURSELF! 

If you are a parent with an infant or young children at home, time for yourself can be hard to come by. Arranging for a babysitter, grandparent or a trained doula to come to your home to offer postpartum care can be a game changer! To learn more about postpartum care, or to book a postpartum doula, click here. 

Self-care during the holidays

Don’t forget to take care of your physical and mental health during the holiday season. Booking an appointment for a treatment or service at Fearless Wellness Centre is easy to do. Choose from Reiki, Reflexology, yoga classes, dance classes, art therapy and Registered Massage Therapy by clicking here.

We hope that these tips and resources will help you through the holiday season. We wish you well, and cannot wait to see you in the New Year.

-Your Fearless Team


Mindfulness and the Busy Mind


Tears on my yoga mat..